Personality List

    Justine Courtney Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Justine Courtney? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Justine Courtney from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.

    Justine Courtney

    ESTJ (1w9)

    Justine Courtney personality type is ESTJ, which is a dominant extroverted sensing perception. She is also an Enneagram 2, which is the type of person who would not question their own judgments, and would not question how they feel.

    She knows what she wants.

    But she is also the type of person who will do almost anything to get it. She is an extreme fighter and will go to any length to get what she wants. She never backs down and will go to the end of the earth and beyond. She is a tough girl and will not give up, and she will go back to the beginning if she has to.

    But she will do it her way.

    She does not want to be someone else’s, or be known as someone else’s. She wants to be known as her own person and find her own path. But she can be very stubborn and can be very set on things.

    She has a very strong set of morals and values, but she does have a tendency to be judgemental. She tends to have a very dark side, but she is very good at hiding it. Her dark side might show up when she’s angry or frustrated or extremely stressed out.

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