Personality List

    Wendy Oldbag Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Wendy Oldbag? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Wendy Oldbag from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.

    Wendy Oldbag

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Wendy Oldbag personality type is ESTJ, and I am the only one who is aware of this fact. When she finally does conquer her fear of eating in public, she demonstrates that it is not that she has a problem with eating in public, but that she is afraid of making a fool of herself in front of her peers.

    Both Wendy and ESTJ are the result of the same parent, which in this case is the combination of an ENTJ mother and an ISFJ father. ESTJs are people who are naturally conservative by nature, but are also naturally outgoing. The combination of these two traits results in an outgoing, but conservative individual.

    Wendy Oldbag is also very similar to Susan from Arrested Development, in that she is foolish, but highly intelligent. She is not just a pushover for the worst kinds of people, but is also not afraid to stand against them when it calls for it.


    Wendy Oldbag has a very tomboyish appearance, which may be how she became well known among male students. Her tomboyish appearance only serves to make her look even more attractive to students.


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