Personality List

    Alison DiLaurentis ‘New Personality’ Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alison DiLaurentis ‘New Personality’? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alison DiLaurentis ‘New Personality’ from Pretty Little Liars 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Alison DiLaurentis ‘New Personality’

    ENFJ (9w1)

    Alison DiLaurentis ‘New Personality’ personality type is ESFJ, or the Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment type. Edward Cullen is a Ti-Ne-Fi-Si-Te-Te-Ti-Fi-Si-Te. More specifically, he is Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. A Ti-Si-Te-Fi-Ti individual will have an introverted personality. These people are introverts by nature and are not generally comfortable in the company of others. They’re more likely to be quiet and reserved than extroverts and will typically be more reserved in their actions and views. They can be dominant in the workplace, but are usually quiet and more reserved in their behavior around others. In fact, according to personality type descriptions, a Si-Te-Fi-Ti person will be an introvert by nature.

    People with this personality type are generally more concerned with details than people with the opposite personality type. They will tend to be more focused on specific issues and are very focused on details that they deem important. This is the opposite of an INFJ who is more interested in the big picture. People with this personality type are more likely to be detail oriented and focused on the details and specifics of a given situation.

    After the return of Alison DiLaurentis in Season 4, Alison had her personality completely changed, especially after the time jump in Season 6. Alison went from a strategist, manipulative, sociopath to a helpless, easily manipulated, weak girl — Alison during the first seasons could easily perceive situations where she could take advantage, especially family facades. Alison after her return had great difficulty in handling these abilities, so much so that she was easily deceived and sent to a mental institution by her fake husband.

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