Personality List

    Mona Vanderwaal ‘Persona’ Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mona Vanderwaal ‘Persona’? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mona Vanderwaal ‘Persona’ from Pretty Little Liars 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Mona Vanderwaal ‘Persona’

    ESFJ (3w2)

    Mona Vanderwaal ‘Persona’ personality type is ESFJ, an extraverted, sensing, feeling, judging type. You can notice that she is extraverted because of the way she interacts with others, her high energy, and enthusiasm. She also has a very strong sensing function as she can take in a lot of information in a short period of time.

    You might notice that Mona’s personality is very different from her mother’s. Her mother is introverted and shy and Mona is an outgoing extrovert. This is a big change from her mother’s personality.

    Mona has a strong feeling function as well. She can feel the emotions of others and can get a sense of how they feel. She also has a very strong judging function and tells people what they need to do to achieve their goals.

    Mona is also a very practical person. She can be very realistic and down to earth when making decisions. She also has an excellent memory which helps her to remember details that are important to her. This is a good thing as it gives her an edge when making decisions.

    While Mona’s personality is very different from her mother’s, you might see some similarities between the two.

    Persona that Mona Vanderwaal was using during season 1 & 2. She took on this persona right after Alison DiLaurentis disappeared because she wanted to become the new 'Queen Bee'. While she wore this persona, hiding her genius mind, she tormented the Liars and her best friend, Hanna.

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