Personality List

    Amenadiel Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Amenadiel? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Amenadiel from Lucifer 2016 and what is the personality traits.


    ISFJ (1w9)

    Amenadiel personality type is ISFJ, which means that he is a very reliable, responsible, and conscientious person. He’s a very warm and caring person, and is very loyal to those he loves and cares for. He’s very kind and compassionate, and has a deep desire to help those who need his assistance. He’s a very smart and talented person, and can always be relied upon to make good decisions and to come through in the end. He is a very hard worker who always puts his all into whatever he does, and will do his best to complete all tasks to the best of his ability.

    Amenadiel is a very quiet person who prefers to keep to himself and not involve himself with the world at large. He’s very focused on what he does, and would rather focus on his work than socialize with others. He enjoys his privacy and would prefer to spend time focusing on his hobbies and interests rather than socializing with others. He puts a lot of effort into making sure that he does his best and accomplishes everything that he sets out to do. He’s also loyal to those who he loves and cares for, and will do his best to help them in any way that he can.

    Amenadiel is the eldest of all God's angels, and thus the older brother of Lucifer and all the other angels. He was created by his parents, God and Goddess, before the creation of the universe, trillions of years ago, and he is one of the strongest and most powerful angels ever created.

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