Personality List

    Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril) from Archer and what is the personality traits.

    Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril)

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril) personality type is ENTJ, which means that he seeks out power, competence and achievement; he is also a very rational person. Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril) has a very strong, independent personality and his independence often leads him to be overly critical of others. His stubbornness, however, makes him highly efficient and results in success. He can be, at times, extremely stubborn, but he is also very creative, ingenious and resourceful in his thinking. Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril) is a very personable person and he can be quite charming. He has an excellent memory and he is very good at reading people. He tends to be a future planner who is always looking ahead and thinking of what his next step will be. Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril) is a very legalistic person who follows all the rules and regulations. He is also very analytical and he views problems from a logical standpoint. He is a very discriminating person and he is also very discerning and he looks for the best option in any situation. Siegbert Fuchs (Nazi Cyril) is a very strong-willed person who can be domineering and self-confident.

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