Personality List

    Rose Tico Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rose Tico? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rose Tico from Star Wars and what is the personality traits.

    Rose Tico

    ISFP (2w1)

    Rose Tico personality type is ISFP, which is a rare personality type with less than one percent of the population. She is an artist and comes off as a sweet and innocent girl, but has a darker side to her personality. She is very talented in drawing and painting, but her artwork is often misunderstood. As an ISFP, Rose has a lot of respect for other people's opinions, but she will stand up for her opinions when she feels insulted or discriminated against.

    Aerith Gainsborough

    Aerith Gainsborough, known as Aerith in the English versions, is the only female member of the SOLDIERs. She was raised by her single mother just like Cloud Strife who was raised by his mother. She is the only member of the SOLDIERs whose character was not established in any other Final Fantasy game.

    Cloud Strife

    Cloud Strife is a former member of the group SOLDIER who is also the main protagonist of the series. He is known for his calm yet powerful fighting style and mastery of sword fighting. He experienced loss at an early age due to the death of his mother at the hands of Shinra Electric Power Company's forces.

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