Personality List

    Sith Pureblood Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sith Pureblood? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sith Pureblood from Star Wars and what is the personality traits.

    Sith Pureblood

    ESTP (8w7)

    Sith Pureblood personality type is ESTP, but a lot of them can be a lot more difficult to read. They are known for being very impulsive and bold, but can be more calculating and stealthy at times. ESTPs are known for being the life of the party, but also known to be somewhat overzealous in their actions. This can be a bit of a double-edged sword, as it can make them seem like they are always in a hurry, but they can also be quite entertaining at times.

    ESTPs are known for their quick wit and sharp tongue. They are known for their unique approach to social situations; they can be very spontaneous, but also very insightful. They are known for their quick tempers, both good and bad, but they are also known for their quick decision making. ESTPs are known for having a strong will and an even stronger sense of self-interest. They are known for being extremely loyal to those they care for, but they can also put themselves before others at times. ESTPs are known for their charm and wit, but they can also be very blunt and tactless at times.

    ESTPs are known for being charismatic and bold, but they can also be intimidating and domineering at times.

    Proclaimers of the original Sith Religion, Sith Purebloods (or simply Sith) hailed from the world of Korriban before re-settling on the planet, Ziost. They were a race of red to obsidian-skinned individuals, who founded the brutal religion that linked with the Dark Side. Many Sith Purebloods had distinctive bone structures, facial appendages and a genetic disposition towards left-handedness. Despite their dark, violent teachings, Sith weren't against procreating with Humans spawning half-breeds, who would carry on the brutal religion.

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