Personality List

    Watto Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Watto? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Watto from Star Wars and what is the personality traits.


    ESTP (3w4)

    Watto personality type is ESTP, because he’s a much more logical-thinking ESTP. He’s much more focused on facts and figures, much less emotional, much more focused on the end goal, much more focused on the mission.

    Watto is much more the calculating, rational, practical type of ESTP. He’s much more likely to want to go out and get facts, facts, facts. He’s also not very interested in the emotions of his team. He’s much more concerned with facts and figures. And he likes to have contingency plans for everything that might go wrong.

    Watto is the type of ESTP who will say, “Well, you know, I’m probably not going to go with you on this one. I don’t really want to get into that debate about this particular issue because I can’t possibly make up my mind about it. I know enough to know I’m not sure.” And for the ESTP type, the ESTP type is very practical. They don’t like to get involved in emotional discussions about things like that.

    Watto ENTJ

    Watto is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, featured in the films The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. He is computer-generated and is voiced by voice actor Andy Secombe. He is a mean-tempered, greedy Toydarian, and owner of a second-hand goods store in Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. Among Watto's belongings are the slaves Shmi Skywalker and her son, Anakin. He acquires them after winning a podracing bet with Gardulla the Hutt, and he puts them both to work in his store. Anakin demonstrates an incredible aptitude for equipment repair, and Watto decides to profit from it by having the boy fix various broken equipment in the store. He eventually loses Anakin in a podracing bet with Qui-Gon Jinn when he bets on a competitor, Sebulba, who is defeated by Anakin.

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