Personality List

    Fionna Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Fionna? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Fionna from Adventure Time 2010 and what is the personality traits.


    ESFP (6w7)

    Fionna personality type is ESFP, and like her mother and her mother, she has a love and fascination with the age of magic. She is also inspired by her godmother, and tries to be as close as possible to the woman who raised her. Her personality often times resembles that of her godmother, as her personality is more overtly childish and innocent like her godmother's. Finn's personality is very similar to his godmother, as he is also very trusting of strangers and new people, and tries to be as close as possible. He also shows a very childish and innocent personality, and can sometimes be seen saying things like "doo doo doo" and "wink wink" which both show his childish and innocent personality.

    Fionna's boyfriend - Prince Gumball

    Fionna's best friend - Cake

    Fionna's girlfriend - Princess Bubblegum

    Fionna's brother - Prince Gumball II

    Fionna's dad - Prince Gumball I

    Fionna's mom - Queen Bubblegum II

    Fionna's grandmother - Queen Bubblegum I

    Fionna's godmother - Lady Rainicorn

    Although Fionna is known to mostly keep her calm, she can be provoked to anger. She will often try to act like one of the guys, so she fits in easily with friends like Marshall Lee or Prince Gumball.

    Fionna is a fearless, thrill-seeking, adventure-loving hero who will rescue any prince from the Ice Queen or do any task to better herself or help citizens. She, much like Finn, is also very hard-headed as shown when Cake wanted her to date Prince Gumball and she was stubborn about it.

    During the events of "The Prince Who Wanted Everything," Fionna shows a rather ignorant personality towards Lumpy Space Prince. However, this trait may only exist in Lumpy Space Princess's stories, as LSP herself has a very similar personality.

    So far, none of Fionna's fears have been introduced and she is known to be very courageous and brave.

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