Personality List

    Peppermint (Wizard City) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Peppermint (Wizard City)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Peppermint (Wizard City) from Adventure Time 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Peppermint (Wizard City)

    INTJ (3w4)

    Peppermint (Wizard City) personality type is INTJ, the Teal (Wizard City) personality type is INTP, the Red (Wizard City) personality type is INFJ, the Orange (Wizard City) personality type is INTJ, the Yellow (Wizard City) personality type is INTP, the Green (Wizard City) personality type is INFJ.

    The main character of Wizard City is a young boy named Ellis. He's an aspiring inventor who's trying to succeed in his first year at Wizard City School of Magic, which he considers an "embarrassing failure" due to his lack of success.

    Ellis has a loving, supportive family that he lives with, and he's soon joined by a new family friend named Joey.

    Ellis' daydreams are illustrated as the pages of comic books he reads. These are based on the Wizard City comic book series, which are written by Ellis' best friend Joe.

    Ellis' dorky personality is more or less an extended gag, but there are some serious aspects to it as well. For example, Ellis is an aspiring inventor who doesn't have any real skills yet, and he soon discovers that he actually has a knack for inventing things.

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