Personality List

    Helena Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Helena? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Helena from Yuukoku No Moriarty and what is the personality traits.


    ENFP (1w2)

    Helena personality type is ENFP, INFJ, or ENFJ. You will have either a very strong or weak sense of smell.

    You may also have a strong or weak sense of taste. Your ideal job is as a writer, editor, or some other creative job. You are also good at cooking and having fun.

    You are also good at helping others and using your creativity to make things better. You are very sensitive, so you may easily become stressed and overwhelmed by too much stimulation or pressure. You are also likely to be sensitive to bright lights, loud noises or strong smells.

    You may also be sensitive to fatigue, being tired or unwell. You may feel that people do not like you and that you are not liked. This can make you feel sad, lonely and alone. You are often self-critical, so you may need to learn how to accept yourself and others more. Your life will probably be a series of ups and downs.

    You may need to learn to let go and accept things as they are. You are likely to have periods when you feel good and then feel bad. You have to learn that moods will come and go, as will feelings of excitement, happiness and sadness.

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