Personality List

    Sage Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sage? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sage from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (1w9)

    Sage personality type is ISFJ, and what's yours? Don't answer if it's not your type.

    The ISTP personality doesn't really have an official "type," but I've seen it identified as, among other things, a "shifty" or "quiet" or "unassuming" type. I've also seen it described as "gentle" and "reliable," and, if you ask me, those are pretty accurate descriptions of the personality type.

    ISTPs have a reputation for being quiet, introspective types who don't mind taking time to think things over. They are generally agreeable and friendly, and are enthusiastic about putting forth their best effort at every job they do.

    ISTPs can be very independent. They don't need much supervision when they're working, and they don't mind doing things their own way. They are competent and hardworking, but they prefer to do things on their own terms.

    Their weakness is that they are often reluctant to take risks, even if the reward is high. They like to be right, and they don't like to admit when they're wrong.

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