Personality List

    Dagur the Deranged(RoB\DoB) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dagur the Deranged(RoB\DoB)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dagur the Deranged(RoB\DoB) from How To Train Your Dragon Franchise and what is the personality traits.

    Dagur the Deranged(RoB\DoB)

    ESFP (6w7)

    Dagur the Deranged(RoB\DoB) personality type is ESFP, and it's an extraverted, sensing, feeling, Perceiving (Se,Fi,Fe) type. If he had been a Fi/Ti/Te, he would have been a more introverted and more realistic type. He is an emotional TYPE nihilist, and he has been characterized as "Arrogant" in the past. He is proud, but his arrogance is very real and not just a facade. He is proud of his strength and skills, but he is extremely sensitive to any insults or slights, so he can be a bit of a control freak. He is a very proud warrior with a tough exterior, but is much more vulnerable than he lets on. To him, he is the strongest being in the universe and he has been able to accomplish anything that he set out to do in his lifetime. He is not only strong physically, but he is also exceptionally strong mentally and emotionally. Dagur was missing some of his memories during his time with Galbatorix during the Fimbulwinter, and he was never able to recall all of them until the end of the saga.

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