Personality List

    Balin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Balin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Balin from Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (1w9)

    Balin personality type is INFJ, which is one of the rarest personality types, constituting only 2-3% of the population. INFJs are often referred to as "The Counselor" because of their strong desire to help others and their willingness to go the extra mile to do so. They strive for a deep understanding of everyone around them and a desire to improve interpersonal relationships.

    INFJs are deeply concerned with the welfare of others, and they feel a great deal of personal discomfort when they see others being mistreated or when they can identify situations where others might be treated unfairly. They want to be sure the world is a safe place for everyone.

    Because INFJs are so concerned with the welfare of others, they often feel a great deal of personal discomfort when they see people being mistreated or when they can identify situations where people might be treated unfairly. They want to be sure the world is a safe place for everyone, and they feel a great deal of personal discomfort when they see people being mistreated or when they can identify situations where people might be treated unfairly. They want to be sure the world is a safe place for everyone.

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