Personality List

    Abusive Parents Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Abusive Parents? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Abusive Parents from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Abusive Parents

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Abusive Parents personality type is ESTJ, and their least-healthy type is ENTJ. These four types have the highest rates of abuse, and ESTJ and ENTJ are the types with the greatest likelihood of abusing their children.

    Abusive Parents are very self-confident, often arrogant and tend to take on a “bigger-is-better” attitude towards themselves and others. They are often competitive and will be aggressive, rude and verbally abusive towards others. They are also dismissive, disrespectful and lack empathy, which makes it hard for them to understand or sympathise with the feelings of those they are abusing.

    The expression of their personality is typically very rigid, inflexible and insensitive. They are socially intolerant and may be narcissistic and holier-than-thou. Abusive Parents can be very overbearing and critical. They will always have an opinion about everything, even about things that have nothing to do with them.

    They can be very intolerant of any form of criticism or dissent. They are likely to find it difficult to adjust to any change in their surroundings, especially if it affects their position or status.

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