Personality List

    Andie Bell Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Andie Bell? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Andie Bell from A Good Girls Guide To Murder and what is the personality traits.

    Andie Bell

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Andie Bell personality type is ESTJ, as it is the most dominant type in the world as a whole. In America, it is the most dominant type.

    In the United States, ESTJs outnumber all other personality types combined. They are the most common type in government, law, science, business, teaching, and medicine.

    ESTJs are natural leaders and managers of people, especially when there is a clear vision, purpose, and goal. They are rarely bored with their work and can usually find something they want to do. They also have great organizational skills and are usually good at keeping track of details. They are often good at helping others get organized and managing teams.

    ESTJs are naturally direct and stern in manner. They are good at expressing their opinions and expect the same in return. They are not naturally intuitive individuals but can learn to be more intuitive by experiencing more of life. They are often skeptical of new ideas and may need to be convinced of the value of new ideas.

    ESTJs like to keep things in order and enjoy routine. ESTJs like to control their surroundings with structure and routine. They like to make sure things are done in accordance with their plans and values.

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