Personality List

    Mystery Science Theater 3000 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mystery Science Theater 3000? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mystery Science Theater 3000 from Movies & Tv Series and what is the personality traits.

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

    INTP (5w4)

    Mystery Science Theater 3000 personality type is INTP, the lone wolf. Joel Robinson, played by the late comedian, was the epitome of this type. He was the smartest person in the room, but would only bring this to the forefront when he was being belittled by his peers. He was the one to question when everyone else was content with blending in on the status quo.

    Joel was a fan of the show, and especially loved the host segments. He called out the shows he thought were terrible and those he thought were great. He was always looking for what the show missed. This is why Jonah, the main character of my novel, is also an INTP. He loves the show and has been keeping up with it since it began. He’s not a fan of the host segments, but he is an avid listener and a great fan of the show. Jonah’s love for MST3K has led him to write about it for his college paper. The more he learns about the show, the more he can’t understand why people love it so much. Jonah has been wanting to write about it for a while and this is his opportunity.

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