Personality List

    Most Compatible With ENTP Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Most Compatible With ENTP? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Most Compatible With ENTP from Chemistry & Compatibility and what is the personality traits.

    Most Compatible With ENTP

    INFJ (5w4)

    Most Compatible With ENTP personality type is INFJ, ENTJ and ENFJ.


    INFJs are the idealists of the world. They’re introverted, and they have a strong desire to understand the world and how it works. They tend to be extremely empathetic, understanding other people’s feelings and motivations. They tend to be thoughtful and a bit shy, because they’re so highly attuned to their own feelings and those of other people. They always want to know what’s going on, and will often become deeply involved in projects or volunteer work that helps others. INFJs can be quite socially awkward, because they don’t seem to keep themselves from putting themselves out there with other people. They often want to understand other people in order to better understand themselves. They’re also very curious and analytical, and often dislike things that are too simple or straightforward.


    ENTJs are one of the most fascinating types in the world. They’re extremely system-oriented, energetic, capable of taking on a big burden, and are almost always highly organized.

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