Personality List

    Ash's Palpitoad Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ash's Palpitoad? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ash's Palpitoad from Pokemon and what is the personality traits.

    Ash's Palpitoad

    ENTJ (8w9)

    Ash's Palpitoad personality type is ENTJ, while its Alolan counterpart, Palpitoad, is STTJ.

    According to Ash's Pokédex, Palpitoad's favorite food is apples.

    Palpitoad is the only Pokémon that can learn the move Hyper Beam without the use of a TM; this is because, as of Generation VI, it is the only Pokémon that can learn Hyper Beam.

    Palpitoad is the only Generation I Pokémon to learn Hyper Beam.

    Palpitoad is the only Water-type Pokémon that can learn SonicBoom.

    Palpitoad is the only Ground-type Pokémon that can learn Morning Sun.

    Palpitoad is one of two Pokémon to learn Hyper Beam via a Move Tutor, the other being Girafarig.


    Palpitoad is based on the platypus, an egg-laying mammal endemic to Australia. The name may also refer to its beak, which resembles a beak of a duck or goose. Its Alolan form may reference the poutfish; both are large, egg-laying species that are also capable of swimming and diving in the sea.

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