Personality List

    Ash's Quilava Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ash's Quilava? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ash's Quilava from Pokemon and what is the personality traits.

    Ash's Quilava

    INTP (4w5)

    Ash's Quilava personality type is INTP, as it starts off calm, quiet, and reserved, and is very much an introvert. But when it turns to battle, it becomes quite the opposite. When Ash sees a Pikachu, it's like he's seeing a long-lost friend. Indeed, he's like a kid in a candy store when he gets to battle with a Pikachu. And while he may not put out as much effort as other Pokemon, he's very much a team player and gives 100% to the cause. The only time Ash quiets down is when he has to take care of important things, such as his Pokemon. Quilava also knows how to express its feelings, as it will sometimes give Ash a round of applause when he wins a battle.

    Ash's Quilava is a very hard worker who will attack with all its might when the time comes. It's not the most powerful of all of Ash's Pokémon, but it'll work harder than any other of his Pokémon can to make sure that Ash wins the battles he has.

    Quilava's known moves are:



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