Personality List

    Charles "Chuck" McGill Jr. Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Charles "Chuck" McGill Jr.? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Charles "Chuck" McGill Jr. from Better Call Saul and what is the personality traits.

    Charles "Chuck" McGill Jr.

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Charles "Chuck" McGill Jr. personality type is ISTJ, which is a rare but real type. He is a rare individual, who has the rare gift of having a natural gift for drawing. He was a master of Disney-like animation in a time where Disney cartoons were not in the public eye except for the many in the black and white era. Chuck was a man who was not able to have a career in the field he loved, but his gift was so special that people would still remember him.

    Chuck McGill was born in Union City, Ohio on April 2, 1925. He was born to Charles "Chuck" McGill Sr., and his wife, Mary. Chuck Sr. was a barber and worked for a local coiffeur. Chuck Jr.'s mother was a housewife who did not have a job. Chuck Sr. had two children from a previous marriage. His father moved to Toledo in 1928 and had a barber shop there. Mary took up a job as a stenographer at the Toledo city administration building, which would become her career.

    Chuck had no siblings. He was an only child whose mother did not work, and his father worked as a barber on top of his day job at the city building. Chuck Sr.

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