Personality List

    Clifford Main Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Clifford Main? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Clifford Main from Better Call Saul and what is the personality traits.

    Clifford Main

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Clifford Main personality type is ISTJ, although he's also an ENTJ. He's either very serious, or very sarcastic, or both. The only person who he ever really trusts is his best friend (and his roommate), Marty (and his girlfriend). He may be very, very loyal if he likes you, but he won't trust you if he doesn't like you. He's very analytical and intelligent, but sometimes can be very lazy. He's also very good at math. His hobbies are working out, sleeping, and hanging out with friends. But, if he doesn't like you, he'll probably get very angry and send you home. He is very athletic, so if you try to get him to do something, it's best to just do it yourself. He also loves animals, so if he sees an animal in need, he'll try to figure out how to fix it. He might not be able to do it all by himself, but he'll try.

    Marty Main personality type is ENFP, although he's also an INFJ. He's very cheerful and outgoing, but can also be very sarcastic and mean. He is very loyal and trustworthy, and will do anything for his friends.

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