Personality List

    Kai Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kai? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kai from Better Call Saul and what is the personality traits.


    ESTP (7w8)

    Kai personality type is ESTP, which is a very action-oriented personality type; ESTPs are known for their ability to make quick decisions, and they want to get things done fast. ESTPs are energetic and practical, and they can be very helpful to their partners in the relationship when they do want to be helpful. But ESTPs can be very stubborn, too, and they will resist doing what they don’t want to do — even if it might make their partner more comfortable or happier. This is why ESTPs often end up in conflict with their partners as well.

    On the other hand, ESTPs often have a lot of energy, and they can be quite entertaining company. They also have a very low frustration threshold, so they are not likely to give up on their goals if they are determined enough to pursue them. ESTPs don’t mind taking risks, and they tend to be very creative people. But they also have a lot of physical energy and they need to spend time doing physical things to get their energy out — like exercising.

    ESTPs are not likely to be very patient people, either.

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