Personality List

    Gene Takavic Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gene Takavic? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gene Takavic from Better Call Saul and what is the personality traits.

    Gene Takavic

    ENTP (6w5)

    Gene Takavic personality type is ENTP, the Intuitive Thinking Perceiving type.

    The Ne is typically the dominant function of the type, but not always. The I is more of a "helping function" more than an active function of its own.

    ENTP's are commonly more comfortable with the idea of being able to change, trying new things, and taking risks an ENTJ or ESTJ would be uncomfortable with. They are more likely to try something new, experiment, and take on a chance. They are more likely to see the possibilities in things that others might see as risks, or just not worth it.

    The Intuitive Thinking Perceiving is the "right brain" type. They are more likely to see possibilities before others, and to be able to see connections between ideas that others might not see. They are more likely to see the overall picture, and the big picture before everyone else, and be able to plan ahead.

    They are also more likely to be focused on the future than the present, and to be more focused on seeing what might happen than what they can do now.

    They are more likely to see things that others might miss, or find unexpected connections.

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