Personality List

    Meg Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Meg? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Meg from Inside Out 2015 and what is the personality traits.


    ESFP (8w7)

    Meg personality type is ESFP, which is statistically more likely to be an extrovert and have a higher sex drive than introverts. Those with the ESFP personality type are known to be highly energetic, motivated, outgoing, and fun-loving. In our society they are often perceived as being “out there”, “in-your-face”, and very popular among friends and family. ESFPs are expected to be able to keep up with their friends and family at almost any social event. Many ESFPs describe themselves as being extroverted, but not necessarily social. Their extroversion is expressed through their ability to make new acquaintances easily, but many ESFPs may not feel that they are particularly outgoing or socially skilled.

    The word extrovert means “out of the body”. It is generally believed that introverts tend to be more knowledgeable about themselves and their surroundings than extroverts. In my opinion, extroverts are too focused on the physical world and are too busy “having fun” to consider the deeper meaning of life. Introverts are more like the scientist who is focused on the most important aspects of life.

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