Personality List

    James' Mum Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of James' Mum? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for James' Mum from The End Of The Fing World 2017 and what is the personality traits.

    James' Mum

    INFP (4w3)

    James' Mum personality type is INFP, the Mystic.

    It is no surprise that the two types have a lot in common and perhaps more than a little in common.

    The INFP personality type is often mistaken for the INFJ personality type, which is an inferior function of the INFP.

    INFJs are often quite creative, but they are also quite introspective.

    INFPs are quite creative but they are also quite introspective. In this way, they are similar to both INFJs and INTJs.

    INFPs are often not drawn to careers in technology or science.

    INFPs have a very strong preference for seeing the big picture, but they are not usually drawn to careers that require long hours of hard work.

    INFJs are often drawn to careers in technology or science. They enjoy those careers because they can work with their hands and because they get to explore the inner workings of things.

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