Personality List

    Night Light Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Night Light? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Night Light from How To Train Your Dragon Franchise and what is the personality traits.

    Night Light

    INFJ (6w5)

    Night Light personality type is INFJ, meaning they have a dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni) and a secondary Extroverted Feeling (Fe) which are actually the dominant functions in the INFJ. INFJs do not function as easily as Extraverts, but they also have difficulty with Introverts. This is because an INFJ is usually ‘in-tune’ with their own internal emotional state, which makes it difficult for them to relate to external people and things.

    INFJs see the world through the lens of the mind, and their dominant function is Ni, which describes their ability to consider people and their inner emotional world. They are sensitive and aware of their own emotions, which means they are more likely to be influenced by them than most people. It is this sensitivity that gives them such a unique understanding of others, and often results in a very insightful quality to their communication.

    The INFJ’s relationship with their emotions is also why they tend to suffer from depression, as it is not uncommon for them to be very sensitive to negative feelings that others might not even notice. INFJs are very comfortable in their own skin, so it can be very difficult for them to live up to other people’s expectations.

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