Personality List

    New Years Day Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of New Years Day? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for New Years Day from Frank James Skits and what is the personality traits.

    New Years Day

    ENTJ (6w5)

    New Years Day personality type is ENTJ, so the holiday is perfect for them.

    ENTJs are very good at taking things to extremes. In fact, sometimes it feels like they are playing a game of chess with you on the 9th day of Christmas. They don’t really want to be mean, but they don’t really want to be nice either. They are simply trying to find a balance, which is why they do things like saying Merry Christmas, or even saying Happy New Year, when they don’t mean it.

    ENTJ women, especially, are not extremely sentimental. In fact, they are quite practical and analytical. They would rather spend the day shopping than go out and party. They would rather stay home and bake a cake and spend time with their family than go out to clubs and drink. They would rather spend the day with their friends doing something fun and festive than simply sitting around waiting for the clock to strike one.

    On New Year’s Day, ENTJs can be pretty grumpy. They have no real desire to celebrate. They have no desire to stay up all night waiting for the next year to start.

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