Personality List

    The Hive Cluster Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Hive Cluster? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Hive Cluster from Inside Job and what is the personality traits.

    The Hive Cluster

    ESFJ (6w5)

    The Hive Cluster personality type is ESFJ, +S, -A. They are warm, considerate, and generous, with a tendency toward overprotectiveness.

    They are helpful, generous, and very loyal to friends, family and workmates. They are usually well liked and will do whatever they can to help others. They are also well liked by others because of their generosity and willingness to help others out.

    The ESFJ is the idealistic “do as I say and not as I do” type. They are usually very good at handling people and can usually get people to do what they want them to do. They tend to be very good at persuading others to do things that they themselves would not normally do. This makes them very popular with others in their surroundings, but it also makes them very vulnerable to taking on more than they can handle.

    They are often attracted to careers requiring a lot of human interaction, such as teaching, counseling, administration, and health care. They often do well in these areas, but it is important that they get enough rest so that they do not become overworked or burnt out.

    The ESFJ is capable of performing at the highest levels of their chosen careers.

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