Personality List

    Chōta Segawa Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Chōta Segawa? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Chōta Segawa from Alice In Borderl& 2020 and what is the personality traits.

    Chōta Segawa

    ISFJ (2w3)

    Chōta Segawa personality type is ISFJ, the In-Charge. In Japanese, “Segawa” means “bucket” or “basket,” and the name is a play on the word “jōta” or “jōta segoe jōta,” which means “let us gather the baskets together.”

    The ISFJ personality type is known as a “responsible type” and they are also called the “protector types” or “herders.” These people are very aware of other people’s feelings and are very sensitive to the needs of others. They are usually very conscientious and work hard to keep their loved ones happy.

    Don’t worry if you think that you might be an ISFJ. We all have traits that are similar to others. If there are similarities between your personality and the ISFJ personality type, then you may be an ISFJ, too!

    You can determine whether you are an ISFJ by taking our free online ISFJ personality assessment.

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