Personality List

    Keiichi Kuzuryū Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Keiichi Kuzuryū? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Keiichi Kuzuryū from Alice In Borderl& 2020 and what is the personality traits.

    Keiichi Kuzuryū

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Keiichi Kuzuryū personality type is ISTJ, with a dominant Si, a secondary Te, and a tertiary Te. In this case, the Jōō character is not a representation of his own personality type, but of that of his sister, Reiko Kōzuki.

    Keiichi's mother, Reiko Kōzuki, was a 24-year-old Japanese woman who is revealed to have been a criminal in the pre-war Japanese government who murdered a priest and his family in a gas attack in a schoolhouse in Yokohama in December 1944. She was executed by being forced to watch her son being killed by her own hand in the incinerator at the execution hall in the Tokyo Prison. Keiichi was then adopted by his grandfather, Hōjō Ushio, who was one of the three jailers who were responsible for the execution of his mother and who raised him under the name "Kōzuki Keiichi"; he also claims to be his real father.

    Reiko was pregnant with Keiichi when she was killed and thus the child is distant half-brother and half-sister of Keiichi and his younger brother Atsushi.

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