Personality List

    Afida Turner Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Afida Turner? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Afida Turner from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Afida Turner

    ESFP (2w3)

    Afida Turner personality type is ESFP, and her best friend is a male ESFP type named Yuki.

    Her best friends are mainly male ESFP types, and are in their 20s. Her best friends include Hakuya, Yuki, and Soushi. She is the leader of the ESFP girls.


    Aifa is a tall girl, with long brown hair and big brown eyes. She has lighter skin than most other people on the island, though she wears a lot of makeup to keep it that way. She wears an orange kimono, which she often removes to put on her swimsuit, or to use as a dress when she goes out. Aifa is the only woman on the island to wear a swimsuit.

    She has a tattoo of a manga character on her right shoulder. She also wears a small pink flower necklace. She has a strong love for gummy bears, and when she was young, she kept them in her bedroom and ate them by the handful.


    Aifa is very energetic and cheerful, for she is an extremely bubbly and fun-loving person.

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