Personality List

    Bombegranate Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bombegranate? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bombegranate from Plants Vs Zombies and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (3w4)

    Bombegranate personality type is ENTJ, but the more you dig into this type’s motivations, the more you realize that they are ENTJ to their core. They are introspective and focused, and they are driven by their beliefs and how they can be implemented to make the world a better place. ENTJs are driven by logic and purpose. They take their role as leaders seriously, and they want to create an environment where their subordinates can be happy, productive, and successful. The only way that ENTJs can accomplish this is by implementing a structure for the organization that is based around the core values that they believe in, and that is beneficial for the ENTJ’s subordinates. Therefore, ENTJs are very goal-oriented and have a strong sense of purpose. They do not need a lot of extrinsic motivation to get things done, and they are happy to go along with the flow until they reach their goals. When they have reached their goals, however, they will focus on the organization’s long-term goals and making sure that those goals are being met and that people are being treated well in the process. ENTJs are interested in long-term success, and they do not want to spend their time micromanaging their subordinates.

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