Personality List

    Rei-Q Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rei-Q? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rei-Q from Rebuild Of Evangelion and what is the personality traits.


    ISFJ (6w5)

    Rei-Q personality type is ISFJ, which is often called the Caretaker. This personality is also known as the Caring, Perceptive and Protective type. ISFJs are joyfully devoted to their role as caregivers, and are concerned with the well-being of others. Although they may appear to be warm and outgoing, they can be shy and reserved. As a result, they often need others to provide social support and a sense of belonging. Most ISFJs are sensitive, caring and compassionate individuals who take on a variety of roles depending on their surroundings.

    ISFJs are motivated by their desire to help others and find fulfillment in contributing to a greater good. They are especially drawn toward helping others who are ill or in need of assistance. ISFJs may also be focused on doing good deeds to help people who are in crisis or troubled. ISFJs may be particularly inclined toward giving financial donations, providing food or shelter to those in need, or even volunteering at a charity organization.

    As a result of their strong desire to help others, ISFJs can become over-dramatic and overly concerned about the feelings of others, which can make them appear overly sensitive.

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