Personality List

    Eugene "Pissmaster" Michael Mictus Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Eugene "Pissmaster" Michael Mictus? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Eugene "Pissmaster" Michael Mictus from Rick & Morty 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Eugene "Pissmaster" Michael Mictus

    ESTP (3w4)

    Eugene "Pissmaster" Michael Mictus personality type is ESTP, which means he is a natural-born leader and executive. His leadership style is to "take charge and deal with problems head on." He is a very effective team leader and is a natural leader of men. He has a good sense of humor and loves to have fun. He is very competitive and hates to lose.

    Eugene "Pissmaster" Michael Mictus personality type is ESTP, which means he is a natural-born leader and executive. His leadership style is to "take charge and deal with problems head on." He is a very effective team leader and is a natural leader of men. He has a good sense of humor and loves to have fun. He is very competitive and hates to lose.

    He has strong leadership skills, but he does not like to be pushed around. The Pissmaster often plays the role of the "bad ass." He tends to take on the role of being the "bad guy" without being openly antagonistic. The Pissmaster is known for playing the "villain" in most of his movies, as opposed to the "hero" as we see him portrayed in other productions. The Pissmaster's key strength is his ability to motivate others.

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