Personality List

    Gajah Mada Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gajah Mada? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gajah Mada from Historical Figures 1300s and what is the personality traits.

    Gajah Mada

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Gajah Mada personality type is ENTJ, i.e., the “Giver”.

    The common traits of the ENTJ personality type are ambition, confidence, leadership, and a sense of duty.

    They are driven by their desire to be successful and they put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals.

    ENTJs make a lot of money and they are successful in both their personal and professional lives.

    They apply themselves in everything they do because they know that hard work pays off.

    ENTJs are responsible for their success because they know how to work hard and apply themselves in everything they do.

    ENTJs do not hesitate to take action when they see a problem because they feel that it is their responsibility to solve it.

    They are also good at motivating people around them to work harder and try to reach their goals.

    ENTJs have a good sense of urgency about the things they do because they understand how important it is for them to do them well.

    ENTJs are confident in their abilities and they believe in themselves so much that they can easily influence others around them.

    Gajah Mada (c. 1290 – c. 1364) was, according to Javanese old manuscripts, poems and mythology, a powerful military leader and Mahapatih or (equal to) Prime Minister of the Indianized Hindu empire of Majapahit, credited with bringing the empire to its peak of glory. He delivered an oath called Sumpah Palapa, in which he vowed to live ascetic (by not consuming food containing spices) until he had conquered all of the Southeast Asian archipelago of Nusantara for Majapahit. In modern Indonesia, he serves as an important national hero, a symbol of patriotism and national unity. During his reign the Hindu epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, became ingrained in the culture and worldview of the Javanese through the performing arts of wayang kulit (“leather puppets”).

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