Personality List

    Detective Rhonda Boney Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Detective Rhonda Boney? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Detective Rhonda Boney from Gone Girl 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Detective Rhonda Boney

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Detective Rhonda Boney personality type is ISTJ, so she is very direct and logical in her approach to situations, she won't let something like this go. Even though there is no answer, she knows what happened.

    She gently takes the baby back, and puts her in the car seat in the back. The child is still sleeping. She begins to drive away.

    She gets lost in her thoughts for a moment. She checks her phone, and when she sees the time, she gasps.

    She decided to take it easy on the baby. There was no need to rush the child's growth.

    She looked at the child again, and although it was quite early, she could tell that the child was starting to grow taller.

    Her baby was taking its first steps!

    She began to drive faster, feeling that she was running late, but she knew that there was no need to rush. She just wanted to get her baby to his father.

    She arrived at the house about ten minutes later, where she gave the baby to her mother.

    "I'm leaving now," she said to her mother, who was sitting by the door, waiting for her daughter's return.

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