Personality List

    Aki's brother Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aki's brother? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aki's brother from Chainsaw Man and what is the personality traits.

    Aki's brother

    ISFP (9w1)

    Aki's brother personality type is ISFP, but it is a quiet and reserved ISFP. He is a gentle and sweet person, but he is very emotional. He lives in the past, and often dreams about his childhood. Due to his carefree nature, he is often found attracting trouble.

    Aki's birth name is Reiji. He was born with a problem in his heart and was given a name from the family doctor, which symbolized a "reiko" (a small, white bird). Reiji was told that he would die young, so he grew up to become a tough guy and hated everything that was weak. He's best friends with Nozomi and he trusts her more than anyone else. He dislikes people who are afraid of him, as he believes that they will die if they are afraid of him.

    Aki is quite strong-minded, but he often thinks of things in a very calm and collected way. He is like a calm person who views life as just a game. He is often mistaken for a "goody-goody" character, but it's just that he doesn't want to fight unnecessary fights.

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