Personality List

    Jun Kiwatari Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jun Kiwatari? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jun Kiwatari from Kakegurui and what is the personality traits.

    Jun Kiwatari

    ESTP (8w7)

    Jun Kiwatari personality type is ESTP, but the way that they feel about themselves can sometimes take them down an ESE path. The opposite of the introverted ESE is the extroverted iNtuiting type, which can be mistaken for the opposite, but it is actually an opposite of the extraverted S-N type. The extraverted iNtuiting person loves to talk about ideas, and usually has their own unique perspectives, which they enjoy sharing with others at parties or through speeches. They often have excellent persuasiveness skills, and are good at striking up conversations with strangers to learn about different perspectives. They tend to be very gregarious, and can be quite manipulative in their manipulation of people to achieve their goals. Extraverts are also known to enjoy socializing, and can take advantage of social situations to achieve their goals.

    One of the most difficult aspects of the introverted iNtuiting personality type is that they can take advantage of social situations to achieve their goals. They are motivated by the desire to help others, and are often very good at helping others in some way. This can even include convincing people to do things that they would never do otherwise.

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