Personality List

    Kyle Broflovski Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kyle Broflovski? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kyle Broflovski from South Park 1997 and what is the personality traits.

    Kyle Broflovski

    INFJ (1w2)

    Kyle Broflovski personality type is INFJ, with a dominant introverted intuition. Their primary function is Introverted Intuition, followed by Introverted Intuition with a secondary function of Extraverted Sensing. Their tertiary function is Extraverted Feeling. Their primary function is Introverted Intuition, followed by Introverted Intuition with a secondary function of Extraverted Sensing. Their tertiary function is Extraverted Feeling.

    B.J. Novak personality type is INTJ, with a dominant introverted thinking. Their primary function is Introverted Thinking, followed by Extraverted Thinking with a secondary function of Extraverted Feeling. Their tertiary function is Extraverted Intuition. Their primary function is Introverted Thinking, followed by Extraverted Thinking with a secondary function of Extraverted Feeling. Their tertiary function is Extraverted Intuition.

    Bradley Whitford personality type is INFJ, with a dominant introverted intuition. Their primary function is Introverted Intuition, followed by Introverted Intuition with a secondary function of Extraverted Sensing. Their tertiary function is Extraverted Sensing. Their primary function is Introverted Intuition, followed by Introverted Intuition with a secondary function of Extraverted Sensing.

    Kyle has extremely strong beliefs, and when forced to question them, he becomes very upset and has somewhat of a short temper (especially when it comes to Cartman. This has caused a lot of fights between the two boys). For the most part, Kyle bases his decisions on both his emotions and beliefs; therefore, he is easily coaxed into fights or gives into his feelings, an example of this being when Cartman sang a song about his mother being a "bitch" and got everyone to join in, which annoyed Kyle.

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