Personality List

    Funnybot Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Funnybot? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Funnybot from South Park 1997 and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (8w7)

    Funnybot personality type is ENTP, which means that they are likely to have a dry sense of humor.

    ENTPs are great at seeing the big picture. They are often able to see relationships between things that others miss, which makes them good at making connections and seeing potential. They may also be good at imagining what other people are thinking as well as what they will do.

    ENTPs tend to be oblivious to their own emotions, but this is due to their love of seeing things from a large scale, logical perspective. If they feel something, they’ll often express it in a way that is…less than subtle.

    The ENTP personality type thrives on change and variety; they love to take on new challenges and the excitement of the unknown.

    They love to take chances and think about things from different angles. The ENTP personality type loves to look at things from a different perspective and is always trying to think of options and ways to improve things.

    While ENTPs can sometimes come off as cold or aloof, they really just want to know the truth and wouldn’t mind telling you if you’re wrong.

    "Funnybot" is the second episode of the fifteenth season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 211th episode of the series overall. "Funnybot" premiered in the United States on Comedy Central on May 4, 2011, the first time a South Park episode has premiered in May since season 10's "Tsst" in 2006. "Funnybot" was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker and was rated TV-MA in the United States. "Funnybot" is a parody of The Comedy Awards, black comedian Tyler Perry, the Daleks from Doctor Who, the death of Osama bin Laden, and foreign perception of German humor.

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