Personality List

    Mr. Mackey Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mr. Mackey? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mr. Mackey from South Park 1997 and what is the personality traits.

    Mr. Mackey

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Mr. Mackey personality type is ISFJ, according to the MBTI.

    Mr. Mackey also uses the phrase "Hey, guy" a lot, and usually says it at the end of his sentences.

    Mr. Mackey is the only character that owns a car that does not belong to him; he stole it from a pawnshop.

    Mr. Mackey is the only character to be featured in more than one episode (excluding his appearance in "The Zany Adventures of Ian and Steve", which was an unaired pilot).

    Mr. Mackey is the only character to wear glasses.

    Mr. Mackey, Steve and Ian are the only characters who have been seen to be able to swim.

    Mr. Mackey's appearance seems to be based off of Jason Alexander, as he has similar mannerisms.

    Mr. Mackey is the only character to have his own theme song.

    Mr. Mackey is the only character to die twice in his own episodes.

    He is the only character who has been killed by Ian and Steve.

    He is the only character who has been killed off by Ian and Steve, but not by Ian alone.

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