Personality List

    Randy Marsh Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Randy Marsh? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Randy Marsh from South Park 1997 and what is the personality traits.

    Randy Marsh

    ENFP (7w6)

    Randy Marsh personality type is ENFP, with the most extreme of the 16 personality types. In my experience, he tends to be a little more extroverted and active than my other ENFP friends. He’s quite the jokester and will often say things that make people laugh out loud. He’s a big talker, which is a bit unusual for an ENFP. He’s a creative person and loves to spend his time pondering various ideas and how they can be implemented in his life.

    Being a mommy ninja also helps him keep track of the kids as they run around the house, as well as keeping track of his own kids as they go on adventures around the neighborhood. In my experience, ENFPs have a bit of a hard time keeping track of one child at a time, so being a parent ninja helps with that as well.

    I was a pretty outgoing kid, so I didn’t have a ton of friends in school. But I had one friend in particular who was a lot like me, and who I still consider a good friend today. She is an ENFP, and we had a lot of similarities.

    Randy Marsh is the son of Marvin and Grandma Marsh, the husband of Sharon, and the father of Stan and Shelly. He makes his debut in the Season One episode "Volcano", and is voiced by Trey Parker.

    Despite being a geologist with a doctorate, he is generally portrayed as an absent-minded idiot, driving many episode plots in the later seasons, though this was later revealed to be due to him being unhappy over his marriage. However, in earlier seasons he was calmer and more level-headed, often providing advice to the boys. In "You're Getting Old", he divorced his wife and moved away. However, in "Ass Burgers" he reconciled with Sharon and remarried, therefore getting their old house back. Since Season Twenty-Two, Randy has been running the Tegridy Farms hemp farming business.

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