Personality List

    The New Kid Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The New Kid? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The New Kid from South Park 1997 and what is the personality traits.

    The New Kid

    ISTP (9w8)

    The New Kid personality type is ESFP, which is one of three types in the Artisan personality type. Artisans are fun-loving, energetic people who love to make things happen. They are spontaneous and charming, and their bubbly nature makes them natural leaders. Artisans are solid citizens who are very hardworking, but they are also rather impulsive and disorganized. They can be very inventive, but they also tend to be impulsive and careless.

    The New Kid personality type falls into the ESFP sub-type of ESFPs. ESFPs are agreeable people who are fun-loving and social. They are spontaneous and creative, and naturally gifted at selling ideas and selling themselves. They are also very loyal friends who will do anything for their friends. ESFPs also tend to be spontaneous and impulsive, so they can be quite careless with their money.

    What is the New Kid Personality Type?

    New Kids are children with an ESFP personality type. They are eager to try new things, and they often act impulsively without thinking things through first. They are also sometimes quite reckless with their money. New Kids are charismatic, but they can also be very impulsive, so they can make bad decisions with their money.

    The New Kid, also known as Butthole, Buttstuff, and Douchebag in South Park canon, is the main protagonist of South Park: The Stick of Truth and South Park: The Fractured But Whole, as well as South Park: Phone Destroyer. They are not a featured character on South Park, and are only shown in the games. Their only line that was spoken at the end of South Park: The Stick of Truth is when they say, "Screw you guys, I'm going home."

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