Personality List

    Wendy Testaburger Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Wendy Testaburger? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Wendy Testaburger from South Park 1997 and what is the personality traits.

    Wendy Testaburger

    ENFJ (1w2)

    Wendy Testaburger personality type is ENFJ, the "J" makes her relate to other people on their level of intelligence, she is able to understand their feelings and emotions, and will always try to be friendly and kind.

    Wendy's favorite movie genre would be action, she loves movies with action and adventure, Wendy also loves movies with romance.

    Wendy's favorite color is Purple.

    Wendy's favorite food type is Tacos, Wendy enjoys Mexican food.

    Wendy's favorite superhero is Wonder Woman.

    Wendy's dream celebrity crush is Tom Hardy.

    Wendy's dream job is to be a musical artist.

    Wendy Testaburger will end up with Ron, the only way is to go through Ron-Teri-Wendy-Ron all of them together.

    Wendy Testaburger is a major-supporting character on South Park, and is the most prominent of the female classmates of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny. She is a student at South Park Elementary. She has been voiced by three people during the series' run: Mary Kay Bergman, Eliza J. Schneider, and currently April Stewart. She is the most prominent female character of the series.

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