Personality List

    Kurumi Kurume Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kurumi Kurume? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kurumi Kurume from Kakegurui and what is the personality traits.

    Kurumi Kurume

    ENTP (7w8)

    Kurumi Kurume personality type is ENTP, the Seeker.

    The main trait of ENTP is desire for knowledge. They are very curious and always want to know more about everything.

    There are also two sub-domains of Knowledge, which are:

    The second sub-domain is Theory. It describes the ENTP’s worldview.

    The last sub-domain is Practicality. It describes the way they deal with things.

    According to Kurumi, she is an ENTP.

    Kurumi Kurume’s Relationship Profile

    We have listed below the facts about Kurumi Kurume’s relationship status with her partner. Also, we have the details of Kurumi Kurume’s past relationships.

    Kurumi Kurume’s Partner

    Kurumi Kurume has been in many relationships, but not married yet. She has dated many guys, but she never got married to any of them. We will update you when Kurumi Kurume gets married to someone.

    Kurumi Kurume’s Past Relationships

    Kurumi Kurume has dated many guys throughout her life. But she never got married to any of them.

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