Personality List

    Rosé (BLACKPINK) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rosé (BLACKPINK)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rosé (BLACKPINK) from K Pop and what is the personality traits.

    Rosé (BLACKPINK)

    ESFJ (6w7)

    Rosé (BLACKPINK) personality type is ESFJ, which is the top-ranking personality type in terms of number of traits. ESFJs are the most common personality type in terms of percentage in the United States, with about 25% of people being ESFJs.

    The ESFJ personality type is characterized by being warm, loving, and caring. They are also very good at making others around them feel comfortable. ESFJs are very social, which is one of their strengths. They are also very dedicated to their careers, and are usually very good at them.

    A lot of ESFJs are very responsible people, who are generally well-liked by the people around them. The only problem with this personality type is that they are quite passive, which can sometimes make them seem less assertive than they actually are.

    I’m an ESFJ personality type myself, and I’ve noticed that my personality type has a big effect on how I present myself in the workplace. I’m not very good at speaking up, and I don’t like to get into arguments or confrontations with people. I think that the reason I sometimes get along with people better than I should is because of my love for helping others.

    Roseanne Park (born February 11, 1997 in Auckland, New Zealand) better known as Rosé, is an Australian singer and dancer, currently based in South Korea. She is the main vocalist and lead dancer of BLACKPINK.

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