Personality List

    Cyan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Cyan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Cyan from Rainbow Friends Roblox and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (7w8)

    Cyan personality type is ENTJ, and the color is black.

    I had a major crush on this guy when I was in middle school. He would always be there for me when I had problems, and he was so sweet. I thought that we were so much alike, and I fell hard for him. We started dating in high school, and he was the first person I took on a date. He was a good kisser, but he never made my heart beat faster. I don't know if I ever kissed him back, but we were pretty close to going all the way. We ended up breaking up because he had a girlfriend, which sucked because they were so close to being in love. I don't think I am quite over my crush on him, but there are other guys I am into that are better. The thing about this guy that I found really unusual was that he didn't like himself very much. He told me this one time, and it really surprised me because he seemed like such a confident guy. He was more like himself when he was with me, but when he was with his friends, he would talk down to himself as if he was a lot less than them.

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