Personality List

    Neutral Evil Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Neutral Evil? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Neutral Evil from 5x5 Alignment Chart and what is the personality traits.

    Neutral Evil

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Neutral Evil personality type is ENTJ, a combination of the "Ni" and "Te" functions.

    The ENTJ is known for having a very restless and active mind, especially when it comes to new ideas, concepts and theories. They tend to be very outspoken, often to the point of being abrasive, and are also known for being very ambitious. They are also known for being very practical and realistic; in fact, they are not really known for having strong feelings at all, because they tend to be more interested in facts than opinions. They are also known for being very competitive and ambitious, although they are not above working with others to accomplish their goals. They tend to have a lot of energy, and can sometimes be too aggressive and even quick tempered. They are also known for being very intelligent, and can often be seen as "book smart" rather than "street smart" because they tend to be more interested in learning new things than being more adapted to the real world. This can sometimes get them into trouble, especially when they don't think things through before acting.

    ENTJs are also known for being very persuasive and dominant people, who tend to see things clearly and see the big picture.

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